Air Conditioning Warning Signs

Posted on July 1, 2016 by Lewis Automotive Inc in Auto Repair, Maintenance

Summertime is here so before you take your car on a long distance road-trip, or even on your regular work commute, consider having your Air Conditioning checked to ensure you and your crew stay cool all summer long! Since there are other warning signs for air conditioner failure besides it just not cooling, we’ve collected a handful of warning signs to keep you in the know.


Water inside your vehicle

Part of your air conditioner’s job is to act as your vehicle’s dehumidifier – it pulls the moisture from the air then drains the water outside of your vehicle. When you run your vehicle’s air conditioner and it is working as it should, you will likely see some water drip underneath your car once it has been parked. However, if the drain or one of the hoses gets clogged, the water may back up and start to drain directly into the interior of your car. If this ever happens, you will likely see water stains and/or puddles on the floor mat under the dashboard.

Strange noises

When you turn on your air conditioner, the only noise you should hear is from the fan, otherwise known as the “blower”. If you hear any sort of banging or rattling that is not a good sign and you should get your air conditioner checked immediately. While the cause of the noise could be any number of things, this is an issue you don’t want to sit on. Debris such as pine straw or leaves could get stuck in the fan. Your car’s condenser may also be worn out or about to wear out, or a fan belt may be about to stop working.

Unpleasant odors

When you turn on your air conditioner, you should not smell anything. If you turn it on and smell a musty or mildew-like odor, it may mean that mold is starting to grow inside the AC system. No only is this bad for your car’s air conditioner, but it’s also not healthy for you to breathe in. Breathing in impure air may trigger allergic reactions, or aggravate other health issues. Having the AC system looked at and cleaned by a professional is the best course of action.

Refrigerant leak

Refrigerant is one of the gases that the air conditioner uses to produce cool air. Without refrigerant, the air conditioner will not be able to push through the cold air your crave on a hot summer day. A refrigerant leak is dissimilar to other fluid leaks, upon exposure to air, refrigerant evaporates which can make the diagnosis of a leak a somewhat complicated manner. We recommend taking your vehicle to us to help ensure a proper diagnose a refrigerant leak or determine if another factor is to blame.

Wherever your summer takes you, come into Lewis Automotive to get your AC checked and tune up your vehicle for the open road ahead.

Written by Lewis Automotive Inc

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